Monday, September 13, 2010

web worm alert

well i guess i am a little late because they are here...the web worms that is! i am fortunate to not have many in my yard, but, wow: check out my neighbors tree: engulfed! the fall web worm creates the characteristic webbed nests on tree limbs of a wide variety of hardwoods in the late summer and fall: it has been recorded in 636 species. this worm is mainly an aesthetic pest and is not believed to harm otherwise healthy trees. the moth is native to north america, with a range from canada to mexico, and is one of the few insect pests introduced from north america into other continents: sorry, people.

1 comment:

  1. The web worms are bad in this area too. They did spray for them here this summer by airplanes so that tells you how bad they were. Hope your neighbor gets rid of them so they do not spread later.
