Monday, July 26, 2010

poseidon down

today was bright and sunny and perfect...
yesterday: not so much. it was over 100° and super cell storms cruised through about 3-ish. we were under a tornado warning- which is fairly normal these days-but it was more like straight line winds at 75 mph- that tore the locust trees to bits. a medium size branch fell into the back corner of my yard and destroyed my lovely fountain and birdbath.
poseidon's head ended up about 20 feet from the rest of the pile.


  1. Oh dear. That is such a shame. It is amazing sometimes how much the wind can push around. It had to be heavy. I have locust trees around my home and they are all so tall. I worry about them landing on the garage every time the wind is strong. One just missed the garden shed this spring. You will have to use pieces of the fountain around in the garden now. Sorry it got broken.

  2. that is a great idea! we took six months to pick it out 15 years ago, so it is very special. thanks for the thoughts!
